About Us
In an ever-changing world, our task is to recognize today what our customers will need tomorrow. As the largest non-vertically integrated copper and copper-alloy wire products manufacturer in the United States, we’re committed to sustainable growth, innovation, environmental and social responsibility, delivering best-in-class customer experience, and utilizing technology as an enabler. Combining more than 100 hundred years of wire manufacturing expertise with the ability to develop innovative products, we create the highest quality bare, tin-plated, silver-plated, nickel-plated copper wires and specialty products, such as copper-based alloys, aluminum conductors, and engineered electrical solutions, used in a variety of applications and emerging markets.

Fine wire bunch ropes are made of multiple bunched members. In this eBook, we discuss how fine wire bunch ropes are manufactured, the applications they are used for, and our capabilities.
From Our Blog

International Wire published Statement on Canadian & Mexican Tariffs
To familiarize yourself with IWG Statement please check the link below. Canadian & Mexican Tariffs

Grounding Cable: What You Need to Know
Grounding cables are vital components for the safety and reliability of electrical systems. They protect people, equipment, and structures from electrical faults and ensure stable application performance. Today, we’re taking a closer look at everything you need to know about grounding cables, including their benefits, the different wire materials used in grounding cables, and how […]

Types of Wire Used in Underground Construction
Underground wiring and electrical infrastructure offer several advantages. There is less visual clutter along streets and between buildings, the wiring is protected from impact damage, and power suppliers can create more organized systems for power, communications, and more. However, underground electrical infrastructure faces unique challenges, such as moisture from the soil, exposure to harsh elements, […]
Business units
International Wire operates the following business units: Bare Wire Division, Continental Cordage, and High-Performance Conductors, located in the United States, and Engineered Products, located in Europe. Our products include a broad line of copper wire constructions and gauges with a variety of electrical and conductive characteristics.
“International Wire stands committed to serving our customers’ needs while ensuring a safe environment for our associates who are dedicated to providing unmatched product capability, quality, and capacity to our industry.”
Greg Smith, President, CEO and Operating Partner